I normally don't call attention to a friendship with someone who's currently in a position of truly extraordinary importance, ... as my associations with some of the
other notorious among the Celebrity tapestry could present them with - by what mathematicians call the associative property -
a disastrous public liability! But now that Mary Schapiro has resigned as Chairman of the SEC I can safely reveal that we are friends, and through the most political of Washington connections: the sleepovers, trick-or-treat nights, and classroom hi-jinks of our schoolgirl daughters.
Supply/Demand: D.C. Cupcake Wars |
Mary and I were soccer side-liners for years and years as our girls were growing up. We did our part in the school pageants, fundraisers and field days, and the girls got hula lessons at Mary's house one wild afternoon. The year that I was a "classroom parent" (
don't ever sign up for more than one tour of such duty, please!), we arranged for Ms. Mackie's 5th grade class to venture forth on a field trip from DC to NY, where Mary hosted them at her FINRA offices and arranged a bell-ringing at the stock exchange.
Here's what Mary looks like when she's about to serve you a designer cupcake. Or, in my case, two:
She's done a fantastic job getting the SEC back on solid footing. I did have occasion to visit the SEC on business twice during Mary's tenure (although one of those times she had to duck out for an emergency summons to speak with friends in Congress), and I came away with greater respect for the work and mission of the institution, and of course reinforcement of the deep good feelings I already had toward my friend.
I'm due back there next month and I'll really miss her!
Power Play: look for six at the Sands Casino's high-stakes Texas Hold 'em table: Christina Romer, Paul Volcker, Dan Mudd, Tura Satana, Mary and me . . . !