Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ann Campana Judge, Rest In Peace

Ann Judge never sought notoriety, but it found her on September 11, 2001 aboard United flight 77 en route from Washington Dulles airport to Los Angeles.

On behalf of the National Geographic Society, where we met and had worked together, Ann was escorting three sixth-grade students and their teachers to the Channel Islands national marine sanctuary near Santa Barbara, CA for a Society-sponsored educational research project on ocean life sustainability. Ann was a lover of life, whose calling was in brilliantly arranging and stewarding the oftentimes highly complex and eccentric travel support for the National Geographic field photographers and film crews; she also handled the mundane 'safaris' of suits like me who took the Eastern Shuttle between DC and New York.

I knew Ann Judge well for several years, and never once saw her without a smile and a gleam in her eye.  Ann, you were my friend.  May you rest in peace.

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