Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Elizabeth, er - Eleanor Clift: Be My Valentine!

McLaughlin Group's Eleanor Clift
Battling Pundit Interruptrices:

At a table for eight (with wife at other elbow), I sat to the left of hard-left apologist* Eleanor Clift while attending a lovely Washington luncheon on Valentine's Day, 2000.  The event was held for the benefit of some cause or another, and featured Steve and Cokie Roberts talking about their lovey-dovey joint biography, "From This Day Forward."

Agronsky & Co.'s Elizabeth Drew
Like an idiot, I confused Ms. Clift (sister-in-law of the late Monty) with Elizabeth Drew, and I addressed her as "Elizabeth" all throughout the lunch.

My Valentine Eleanor was too polite to correct me!

* Of the strident Clift it is said that:
During the Clinton Administration, she was jokingly referred to as Eleanor "Rodham" Clift or Eleanor "Rodham Clifton," because of her fierce defense of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton. (Wikipedia)

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