Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ted Kennedy: Hale Fellow, Well Met

"(D)" stands for Dapper & Debonair
I was handling a strategy project for the Washington Post Co., and working closely with Katherine (Weymouth) Scully, counsel to It fell to the two of us and a junior business development colleague to entertain the principals of a Charleston, SC-based technology company during their visit to Washington DC, and we planned a delightful evening: drinks at the Capitol Grille, followed by a beautiful Turkish dinner at trendy Cities in Adams Morgan.

Then we'd be off on a mad dash to the Post’s printing plant in nearby Virginia in time for the 11:00pm switch-throwing that lurched the 6 HUGE, brand new Mitsubishi presses into gear producing the nightly print run. Just fascinating machinery! - the newest, biggest stuff on earth, driving the old hand-held inky newsprint product. Upon exiting Cities we were nearly struck by a limousine that disgorged a rollicking cavalcade, led by a white-haired circus-master.

Teddy: Rip. Snort. Hoot. Holler!
Here was Teddy, in full tux and with a boisterous clan of revelers - he was roaring, guffawing, and backslapping. "That's Senator Kennedy!" exclaimed our guest, running up to shake his hand. I got my two cents in: "Amherst MA constituent, Senator!" and his smile widened, his glow intensified. "That's the ticket! Good old Lord Jeff! And how's your fine University?"

The centrifuge was spinning and within 10 seconds our respective parties of 5 and 6 had passed through each other like Sharks and Jets in a choreographed rumble and were each on our way - they IN, we OUT.

In 2006 the Senator visited Amherst and broke ground on the new UMass Integrated Sciences Building.  After he passed away in 2009 and I read his autobiography, I gained a new and deep appreciation for this man whose policies I often disagreed with, but whose passions and commitment I greatly admire. Whose life was so very extraordinary and contributions so deep...
Kennedy/Porter 1980
... And whose love for a good time so legendary - and witnessed firsthand!

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