Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wrigglin', Wranglin' Charlie Rangel

Oy, nischt git! Like Captain Ahab, this sham artist plunges ahead to trial, and seals a fitting legacy of total disgrace. I warned him...

Strolling proudly up 5th Avenue in NYC during the annual Israel Independence Day Parade on Sunday, May 14, I heard a commotion as we passed a reviewing stand on the shoulder of Central Park at 68th street. "Charlie Rangel! There's Charlie!" I wheeled toward the commotion. What unBELIEVable audacity, I thought, but heading uptown we'd crossed into his district, and why shouldn't he come out to pander?

This cat was conked. In person, the hair was incredible: slick, silver, like a chrome helmet: "That phony, lye-conked, metallic-looking hair," as Alex Haley described the process. I was already past him as our eyes met, each of us beaming. I started to lift my right hand in his direction. His eyebrows went up, a big smile began to break, and his arm began to rise in salutation - my right index finger extended to find its target - we were only 15 feet apart as I smiled too, and bellowed "YOU'RE GOING TO JAAAAAAAAAIL !!!"

Sooner or later, justice is gonna gitcha, Charlie!

UPDATE: November 16, 2010

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