Thursday, August 12, 2010

Connecting my friends Pam Meyer & Bob Feldman - and That's No Lie!

Don't ask me how, but I happen to know the two World Experts on "Lying" and I introduced them earlier this month. Now their publicists are battling it out:

Pam's book "LieSpotting" is on the current bestseller list and she's got a great item - with video clips of all your favorite liars in the act - in today's HuffPost - (note coverage of my friend Charlie Rangel among other). Bob's book "The Liar In Your Life" has been out a bit longer, and was highlighted yesterday on VSL's showcase. Different perspectives and unique 'dishonesty' expertise - Bob is a career academic who has specialized in clinical study, Pam a veteran of 25 years in the venal media business - but both cite the same data set as the foundation of their research.

Pam and I go way back - I recruited her to leave Vestron Video in 1986 and join National Geographic TV, where she did a fantastic job as a program buyer. In 1997, Pam hired me as COO of her web start-up

I met Bob [One of Bob's memorable premises is that two people, on meeting for the first time, will lie to each other 3 times in the first ten minutes] when my wife introduced us at the 2008 UMass Amherst Engineering School commencement ceremony, and subsequently at a few Chancellor's receptions, but mostly we run into each other mid-day at the gym.

The two have competing books in the market and I'm proud to know each one... and now I'm always extra-careful to be absolutely straight-up with Pam and with Bob. Happy to say: you'll not find me noted anecdotally in either book!

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