Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Alan Cranston and the First "Pulled Punch"

"President Cranston"
Two tables away, while I enjoyed a planter's punch before a lovely dinner on the tiny porch of the Sea Catch Grill, overlooking the Georgetown Canal: Alan Cranston (D., CA).  At the time - a spectacular sunny May evening in 1988 -  he was Democratic whip in the Senate.

Sea Catch: Where I Dined with Golden State Longshot
I had a generally favorable view of Cranston then, although this was during a period when I was actively not following politics.  Nevertheless, the thought occurred to me then and there - for the first time - that a benefit of living in Washington DC is that one might, at any moment, find oneself in good position to throw a drink in the face of a public figure.  The enviable position.

Instead, upon paying the bill, we squeezed by his table and my dinner partner, a CA constituent, introduced herself to Senator Cranston and wished him well.

All smiles, we left the restaurant, but the impulse lingered
... and it lingers still.

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