R.I.P., The Desert Inn, 1950 - 2000 |
Vega$, baby: staying at the Desert Inn.
The classiest and most understated of the casino hotels. Where Russ
Meyer had shot those magnificent stills of Uschi Digart in the roaring
'60's. One morning, running late and headed to the Hilton for a long
day in the Video Software Dealers Association (home video biz) exhibit
hall, I blast out of my room into the hall and nearly flatten the fellow
from across the hall who's doing the same.
Sulu: George Takei!
Desert Rat George Takei |
"Headed to the show?" I ventured, thinking fast. "Yes,
as a matter of fact!" His voice was smooth and soothing, and his wide
smile practically beamed. I thought his face looked buffed and
polished, like he'd just come from a spa treatment. "Share a cab?" I
suggested. "I'd love to," said Lieutenant Sulu. "But I'm meeting my
agent here for breakfast first. Come by the Paramount booth!" I
promised I would, but never made it to the autograph-signing. No
I had dinner with Russ Meyer that evening, and told him about my brush with Hikaru Sulu. "That cat?? He's light in the loafers!" exclaimed Meyer. "Isn't he President of the California State Sunbathing Association?!?!"
See also: Hob-Nobbing with Nimoy
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